Elkhorn Young Athletes

Elkhorn Young Athletes provides a unique opportunity for families with children ages two to seven to have family fun and build confidence while targeting large motor skills such as walking, running, balance, trapping, catching, throwing, striking, and kicking.

Elkhorn Young Athletes is an inclusive program where ALL children (both with and without special needs) are welcome to sign up as Young Athlete participants.

Special Olympics Young Athletes

Details & Dates

The program is run in station-rotation format, with five stations (8 min each) for families to visit per session. Each session lasts approximately 60 minutes.

This is a "grown-up and me" event, where grown-ups are asked to participate with their children for the duration of the program.

Once you are signed up and registered, you are automatically signed up for all sessions. Please mark your calendars with the dates and locations below. It is okay to pick and choose sessions that fit your schedule, as we know parenting/life gets busy.

Show up when you can!

Young Athletes video

Learn more about the Young Athletes program

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 • 6-7 pm
Session 1: Foundational Skills @ Jackson Elementary School

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 • 6-7 pm
Session 2: Walking & Running/Balance & Jumping @ Tibbets Elementary School

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 • 6-7 pm
Session 3: Trapping, Catching & Throwing @ West Side Elementary School

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 • 6-7 pm
Session 4: Striking & Kicking @ Options Virtual Charter School

Friday, March 7, 2025 • 6-7:30 pm
Session 5: GRAND FINALE @ Elkhorn Area Middle School


Young Athletes must be between ages 2 and 7 to participate. Once you register, you are automatically signed up for all sessions, however it is okay to pick and choose which sessions work best with your schedules.


Reach out to Parent Connections Coordinator, Esther Weitzel (weites@elkhorn.k12.wi.us or 262-741-9132).

Volunteer Information

Interested in volunteering for the Young Athletes program? We're looking for volunteers middle-school age and up! We need your help running the games and serving as ambassadors for the Young Athletes program.

Please complete the volunteer info form linked below and then sign up for your volunteer shifts.

Frequently Asked Questions